15 Best Kettlebell Leg + Core Exercises

For the last few years, my upper body’s been stronger relative to my lower body. This imbalance requires me to work harder to build lower body strength through various leg exercises.

What’s a leg exercise? As the leg name suggests, it’s a leg movement that typically involves the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Most leg exercises contain “squat” or “lunge” in the exercise name.

Keep reading for detailed explanations and demonstrations of 15 leg + core exercises.

For those interested in following a Push Pull Leg routine for strength training of all the major muscle groups with sufficient recovery, check out the Ultimate Beginners Guide.


#1. Squat Variations

A. Kettlebell Goblet Squat

  • Grab the kettlebell horns on each side with both hands and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the kettlebell in front of your chest.
  • Keep chest and shoulders open, back neutral, lats engaged, and core tight as you descend until thighs are parallel to the floor. To keep your movement connected, imagine one rope tied to your hips and another to the knees pulling them in opposite directions parallel to the floor simultaneously. Ascend by driving your hips up and forward.

Check out the article Basics Of The Big Three Lifts: Squat, Bench, Deadlift to learn more about the squat!

B. Kettlebell Racked Squat

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Clean the kettlebell (exercise 20) to rack the kettlebell against your arm at shoulder-height.
  • Keep chest and shoulders open, back neutral, lats engaged, and core tight as you descend until thighs are parallel to the floor. To keep your movement connected, imagine one rope tied to your hips and another to the knees pulling them in opposite directions parallel to the floor simultaneously. Ascend by driving your hips up and forward.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

C. Kettlebell Overhead Squat

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Clean the kettlebell (exercise 20) to rack the kettlebell against your arm at shoulder-height. Then press the kettlebell (exercise 4) to stack the weight above your shoulders.
  • Keep chest and shoulders open, back neutral, lats engaged, and core tight as you descend until thighs are parallel to the floor. To keep your movement connected, imagine one rope tied to your hips and another to the knees pulling them in opposite directions parallel to the floor simultaneously. Ascend by driving your hips up and forward.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#2. Kettlebell Swings

Full-body workout to increase endurance, power, and aerobic and anaerobic capacity.

  • Grab the kettlebell with both hands and stand with feet double hip-width apart.
  • Hinge forward at the hips and bend slightly at the knees while keeping your back neutral and core braced. Engage the lats by corkscrewing the handle to stabilize the weight.
  • Swing between the legs, then forward by using the quads and glutes to initiate and the erector spinae to a standing position with tension built across the body as if you were in a plank.
  • Then control the movement as you return the weight between your legs.

#3. Kettlebell Clean

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Start with the kettlebell in between your feet.
  • Keep your back neutral, core braced, and glutes engaged throughout the movement.
  • Initiate with the hips to drive the kettlebell to rack securely against the back of the arm. The kettlebell path should be as close to your body as possible, and the wrist stays straight throughout.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.


#1. Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squat

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place one foot on an elevated surface behind you.
  • Keep chest and shoulders open, back neutral, lats engaged, and core tight as you descend until thighs are parallel to the floor. To keep your movement connected, imagine one rope tied to your hips and another to the knees pulling them in opposite directions parallel to the floor simultaneously. Ascend by driving your hips up and forward.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#2. Kettlebell Pistol Squat

  • Grab the kettlebell horns on each side with both hands and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the kettlebell in front of you, making your arms are perpendicular to your body.
  • Lift your right foot in front of you and find balance and stability with your left foot. To stabilize, place equal distribution of weight in three points of the right foot – heel, big toe, and pinky toe. Engage your core and glutes throughout the movement.
  • Descend with the left leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor and kick your right leg out in front of you, never touching the floor throughout the movement. Ascend by driving your hips up and forward.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#3. Kettlebell Box Step-Up

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place one foot on top of a box and the other one on the floor.
  • Shift the weight to the foot on the box and find stability. Drive with your quads and glutes until the leg fully extends on top of the box.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#4. Kettlebell Lunge

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in one hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep chest and shoulders open, back neutral, lats engaged, and core tight as you take a big step forward to lunge. Push back up into the initial position.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#5. Kettlebell Glute Bridge

  • Start by lying down with your back against the floor and place the kettlebell on your lower abs.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Squeeze the glutes and tighten the core throughout the movement.
  • Push through the heels and lift the hips until the knees, hips, and shoulders are aligned. Then lower the hips with control back to the starting position.


#1. Kettlebell Plank Variations

A. Kettlebell Plank Drag

  • Start in the high plank position on your two hands and two toes. Stack the wrists under the shoulders.
  • Avoid the hips dropping by engaging the glutes by squeezing them and tightening the core to find stability. Aim to keep the feet, hips, and head aligned.
  • Find stability on both feet and a hand before grabbing the kettlebell with your right hand and placing it under the right palm.
  • Get back on fours and lift the left hand to grab the kettlebell from right to left. Place it under the left hand.

B. Kettlebell Side Plank

  • Lay down on one side with the hand closer to the floor stacked directly under the shoulders.
  • Pull the kettlebell across the body and above your body. It should end up stacked right above your shoulders and the hand on the floor.
  • Avoid the hips dropping by finding stability by engaging the glutes by squeezing them and tightening the core. Aim to keep the feet, hips, and head aligned.
  • Hold this for 30 seconds on one side before moving on to the other.
  • To modify this side plank, place your forearm on the floor (elbow on the floor is directly under the shoulders) and bend your legs (creating 90 degrees at your knees). Your shoulders, hips, and knees align for a half-side plank. These adjustments will build better stability for the side plank.

#2. Kettlebell Russian Twist

  • Grab the kettlebell with both hands.
  • Start by lying down with your back against the floor.
  • Hold a 45-degree sit-up position and rotate to target obliques and abs.

#3. Kettlebell Windmill

  • Grab the kettlebell with your right hand and stand with feet double hip-width apart.
  • Clean the kettlebell (exercise 20) to rack the kettlebell against your right arm at shoulder-height. Then press the kettlebell (exercise 4) to stack the weight above your shoulders. Place your left hand with palms facing forward on your left thigh.
  • Keep the right arm stable and fully extended overhead as you hinge on the left, extending the left hand down towards your left foot.
  • Reverse the movement as you lift the body with a straight spine.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

#4. Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

  • Grab the kettlebell handle in your right hand.
  • Start by lying down with your back against the floor, press the kettlebell outward, stacking the weight on your wrist and shoulders, knees bent on the right side.
  • Roll up on your left elbow, then your left hand. Then squeeze your glutes and lift your hip. Sweep the left leg on the floor, stacked under your hips, and pointed towards your left hand. Take the left hand off the floor and straighten your body into a lunge. Tuck the back foot and stand up from the lunge.
  • Finish the reps on one side, then move on to the other.

Related Questions

Can you try these exercises with dumbbells? Yes, you can do every kettlebell exercise with a dumbbell but be mindful of the different weight distributions. Check out the article, Kettlebell VS Dumbbell, to learn about the difference and recommended equipment.

Where can you find the adjustable kettlebell that is being used in the demonstrations? If you’re looking for the adjustable kettlebell that I’m using in the demonstrations above, check out Titan for the TITAN 10 – 40 LB ADJUSTABLE KETTLEBELL.


Hi, I'm Stacy! I started dragon boating in 2013, then branched out to train and compete in outrigger canoe and powerlifting. I built Home Strength Toolbox because every moment of my active lifestyle has looked after me, and I want to help others get going with their fitness journey.

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